What's New?
UPDATED: August 16, 1999


Students come to America

We are looking for a student who would like to live with a loving, blessed family in America. We live in Fargo North Dakota with the lowest crime rate and highest SAT scores in the nation with 3 excellent colleges, very close by. We offer room and board in exchange for some help with our two children after school. A perfect situation for a second generation, high school or college student.

Please contact Betsy Orman at 701-234-9095 or BetsyOrman@aol.com

There will soon be a page on New Hope Farm in Jardim, Brazil. So keep checking back!

Note: There is now a picture of the author of this website on the History page. So if you're curious as to see a struggling college student that now works in a computer lab 28 hours out of the week, take a peek.

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