Kay, well, where should i begin? Its seems like very few have a clear picture of Chung Pyung, so this is gonna kinda be a, summary.
Here is the general theory. Everyone knows that in the grand scheme of things you can’t really get away with anything. There is always a price to pay. Now, the price to pay for doing evil things is evil spirits are allowed to attack you. See, once you’ve done something wrong, they have the right to attack you because you’ve set up a bad condition. What I mean by attacking is they influence your thoughts and feelings in a negative way. Don’t tell me you’ve never had the urge to do something when you knew darn well it was wrong. Think about it...where do these evil urges come from? Yup, that’s right...from them spirits. But the worse thing is that they dont just shoot at ya, they attatch themselves to ya and slowly creep up on you. So the basic purpose of Chung Pyung is to release those spirits.
This is how it works: you go to Chung Pyung where you pray and pray. You make a connection with God and realize all the evils in your past; all the bad things you’ve done. You repent and repent and after repenting for all the bad things you’ve done that allowed the evil spirits to invade, you are able to release them into the spirit world through ansoo. Ansoo is the clapping of the hands which makes the evil spirits lose their grip so that angels working at Chung Pyung can grab them and bring them to the spirit world where they are educated by Heung Jin Nim, then returned back to earth to help with the restoration of the world. Once free from these evil spirits, there are so many possibilities. You feel purified, unburdened, free, and able to take hold of your life and give it back to God. See, those forty days at Chung Pyung releasing spirits and praying and becoming closer to God is a foundation; a forty day condition for a separation from Satan, just like Moses on the mountain before he got the ten commandments. So basically you get a fresh start.