This is an interesting little history about the BC Website that was created in September and on into October 1997. It was an ongoing process that consumed many a day and night and became my driving passion. In a way it actually saved me from the one thing I fear most--boredom. Nah, I'm just kidding. Seriously, I just want you to know that a lot of love went into this website. No blood, or sweat (i have A/C), but definitely tears, of joy... especially around 3:00 in the morning. Well here goes:
Now, up to my senior year of high school, I knew absolutely nothing about computers except how to use the word processor, and turn on the printer. But two days (I slept through the first) after coming home from the Pure Love '97 Tour (during the summer), I got bored. (For those of you that were on the tour, you know what it was like, right?) Action!! Dollar for Decency...rallying...lose-your-voice every-other-day chanting...stomping on burning effigies of that horrid PlayBoy Bunny...swimming in fountains (I have pictures)..waving those last-for-a-day! I miss it! Oh, and if you're one of those sitting there wondering what the heck is she talking about, visit the Pure Love Alliance homepage. So anyways I was just going crazy for some diversion. (For those of you that didn't read my intro on the homepage--I am currently what most call a homeschooler, but what I refer to as a learn-for-yourself student. Corny, I know, but it makes me feel better.) And so, with all this time on my hands, I discovered the Internet. My parents, who really aren't that strict (yeah, right) decided to cut off any relationships I had with those ever-present non-unificationist kids (which is every kid within a 300 mile radius, I might add), so I looked for penpals at first. I started writing this one guy, who I will at this time formally and respectfully acknowledge as Tim Skutt. (A little background info: He is currently a student majoring in computer graphics somewhere in Michigan.) I saw his website and I was like...woah! He had some awesome music files and one of the songs was titled wrong, so I wrote him about his mistake and asked him how on EARTH he made such an awesome site. He has helped me eversomuch. Thanks Cuddleskutt! Well, as I surfed in search of interesting people to email (notice I said email, not chat--too many weirdos), I saw some pretty neat homepages and websites. Now, when the Pure Love Tour ended it was understood that all the participants were to return to their schools and start a PLA (Pure Love Alliance) chapter. But, of course, me, being without a school and not allowed to associate with non-unificationist kids, had quite a problem. Then it struck me that I could use my...assets, (I guess is the word) to find a way to reach people. My first webpage was created as a discreet witnessing tool in the hopes of making people look deeper and search for the truth that Divine Principle has to offer them. So anyways, I started reading all the 10-inch thick computer manuals that should have come with a vocabulary lesson, all the magazines, and even enthused my dad into hooking up the scanner (which we've had for like 2 years) and a coupla other applications. (Computers are like cars; you can never stop adding cool new stuff to 'em)
This website, my precious brainchild, was born when I came to the realization that I knew only one BC on the Web and that's Jaga Gavin. In those weeks after the tour, my 'twain' was my BC connection; he was truly like a brother to me in every way, shape and form. (Thanks bro!!) His letters and support really helped me as i adjusted to my new and exciting life as a homeschooler. Otherwise I would have felt very isolated and alone. And so I felt that someway, somehow us BC needed to keep in touch. To keep each other strong, united and especially inspired. So, WA-LAH, the BC website.