The Traditional List
of Cool Links

The reason this page is here is because of two reasons. [One] Since this is the world wide web, i've gotta put this in; its part of the sportsmanship of it all. Its weird how one gets computer ethics after only doing this for a coupla months. And [two] Its tradition; and you know how important tradition is in the Unification Church. If you don't, you should. So here's it is...
Unification Church Sites
Official HSA-UWC Home Page
Unification Home Page
World CARP site
HSA E-directory
church member email directory
True Family Festivals site
Family Federation site
church member publication
Resta the Links
Pure Love Alliance
Tabbie's Freestuff
freestuff galore
Fat Cat Cafe
cute site where you can send postcards with music
Addicted to HTML
everything you need to know to build your own website
a place to build your own website for free
free horoscopes and zodiac sign info (i'm an aquarius)

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