Find Happiness
The Pure Love Alliance and Absolute Sex

The Pure Love Allance is an international, interracial, interdenominational, non-sectarian, non-partisan, not-for-profit organization founded by Jin Hun Park-Moon. (did ya catch all that?'s OK, go ahead and grab the dictionary, I won't look *wink*) Moving right along, the goal of the PLA is to popularize a new concept that we affectionately *hee, hee* call Absolute Sex. Now, let me explain before you start jumping to conclusions...hey, get your mind out of the gutter and listen, well, First of all, I want to ask you a question. What is the one thing that every person on God's green earth desires? No, not sex, there are monks, ya know--its happiness. Absolutely everybody wants to be happy. That's what keeps us going, right? The hope that one day we'll be happy or the knowledge that we're somewhat happy now. Why else would we want that cool car, hot chic, or make-a-million-a-year job, right? HAPPINESS! So the reason the PLA is promoting Absolute Sex is because we believe by practicing it, people will find ultimate happiness. OK, now I'm sure you're like, "What the heck is it already!" But listen. Now, I've just explained why we're promoting it, and now I'm going to tell you why we believe in it, THEN I'll tell ya what it is. Gotta build up that suspense, ya know. OK, Absolute Sex is based on the age-old belief (that is almost mocked nowadays) that love was meant to last forever. Let me rephrase that...the reality that true love DOES last forever.

In society today, sex has been separated from love and procreation. People do it just for physical pleasure, for themselves, selfishly. But, love is not selfish, though. Love is the unconditonal (meaning no requirements, no expectations, and basically no-matter-what-happens) giving of affection, trust, and self; its unselfish. Ya see, love and sex all fits into the grand scheme of things. It goes like this: One man and one woman fully maturing, completely uniting by giving each other the most precious thing they posses--themselves, which includes ALL their love. So the purpose of sex is to create new life (as in kids; they were meant to be born with TWO parents that are HAPPY to have them and will love them unconditionally...any psychologist will confirm that), build unbreakable bonds of love, and create strong, healthy, stable families, which are the building blocks of society (this is where life begins). Therefore Absolute Sex is the physical consumation of love between a man and woman within the absolute bonds of marriage. In plain english, Absolute Sex means saving sex for marriage, so that it can be absolute.

The Pure Love Alliance just completed an international rallying tour this summer. We went through Asia promoting our ideals which are comprised in our "Pure Love Pledge" below. To learn all about the PLA, visit the Pure Love Alliance Homepage This site tells all about our tour and more. By the way, the PLA is not a virgin-only club and it has chapters all over the world. To join, just go to their homepage. If you are trying to find someone to spend the rest of your life with that believes in our pledge you can learn about the Blessing by going to the Unification Church Homepage. If you agree with our Pure Love Pledge, awesome! I love you already. Join up, or email me so we can correspond.

The Pure Love Pledge

The pure relationship of love between a man and a woman is a sacred gift from God to be cherished and honored, for the sake of building a true family, a healthy society, and a world of peace for future generations. Once that love is consummated, it sould never be broken.

Therefore, from this day forward, I commit myself to: